SpaceBrewery #14 – Recap 2021

Published on Thu, 16.12.2021 – 11:29 CET in Events, covering SpaceBrewery

For the last Meetup of the year, the initiators took a look at the past year. Of course, there was also an preview to 2022.

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In the last 12 months, the still ongoing pandemic once again made the year one of highs and lows. Of course, the restrictions on travel, meetings and events did not stop at the space industry. Still, the momentum in the NewSpace ecosystem continues unabated. This was also reflected in the SpaceBrewery recap.

Meanwhile, the online meetings of the SpaceBrewery have a constant appointment in the calendar of many interested people. On Wednesday, December 15, 2021, numerous SpaceBrewers came together again. The event started punctually at 8:30 pm with a presentation. Its content: a review of the past year.

As it turns out, the community is growing continuously. The SpaceBrewery on LinkedIn has more than 1,000 followers, and the group on Meetup has more than 850 members. The fact that so many people are now interested in the developments in NewSpace is also due to the topics and speakers at the individual events.

6January 27, 2021SpaceBrewery feat. Mynaric
7February 24, 2021SpaceBrewery feat. German Mircolaunchers
8April 12, 2021Yuri’s Night & German NewSpace-Award
9May 26, 2021Legal & Venture Capital for NewSpace
10July 14, 2021NewSpace HR-Slam
11August 11, 2021SpaceBrewery goes Biergarten #backtotheroots
12September 16, 2021Networking event with SpaceFounders
13October 6, 2021SpaceBrewery feat. German SmallSats

In addition, the initiators of the SpaceBrewery were also at the International Astronautical Congress IAC in Dubai and promoted the format on site.

2022 also promises to be exciting and successful

Before the participants started networking at the virtual beer tables, the initiators gave an outlook on the coming months. One of the most important projects is the founding of the SpaceBrewery e.V. This will be completed in December 2021 with the signing of the articles of association at the notary. In principle, membership in this association is open to all. However, special attention is to be paid to jointly creating added value for all members. Corresponding proposals for cooperation can be submitted to the initiators at any time.

The next edition of SpaceBrewery will also be a special highlight. The title of the event is "Bavaria goes to Space". The background to this is the upcoming launch of OroraTech's first satellite, which is to be launched into space on a Falcon 9 from SpaceX on January 10, 2022. DcubeD will also be part of this mission. Reason enough to celebrate this launch with an event. Due to the launch date, the event will exceptionally start at noon. Registrations are already possible via Meetup.

via SpaceBrewery (participation, media partnership)

Header Image Credit: Free Footage
Written by M. Weissflog
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