SpaceX Crew-2 mission postponed
Published on Wed, 10.03.2021 – 11:00 CET in Missions, covering NASAThe second astronautical flight of a SpaceX Dragon space capsule has been postponed again. Actually, the launch was already scheduled for March 2021, but was initially postponed to April 20, 2021. As NASA announced, the launch has now been postponed again in order to reduce the astronaut:s need for sleep to a minimum. Currently, the launch is scheduled for April 22, 2021.
Shane Kimbrough (NASA, Pilot) Akihiko Hoshide (JAXA) Thomas Pesquet (ESA) Megan McArthur (NASA, Kommandantin)
Crew-1 will then also return to Earth at the end of April / beginning of May 2021. This crew arrived on the ISS on November 16, 2020.
via: NASA, MDR Wissen
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