LiveEO starts vegetation monitoring for E.DIS

Published on Tue, 10.08.2021 – 12:54 CEST in Downstream, covering LiveEO

Following the successful completion of a pilot project, the Earth observation company LiveEO and the German network operator E.DIS announce the expansion of their cooperation.

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Accordingly, the Berlin-based company LiveEO will take over the satellite-based vegetation monitoring of the entire medium-voltage network of the E.ON subsidiary. The aim is to minimize the risks posed by vegetation growing in along the power lines. To do this, LiveEO relies on software that can analyze satellite images thanks to artificial intelligence. This makes it possible to identify the locations of trees near power lines along the entire network - some 80,000 km of it, after all.

Screenshot "Satellite-based vegetation management - how it works", © LiveEO YouTube

Intensive cooperation after successful pilot project

The current agreement was preceded by a pilot project in which 6,000 km of power lines were monitored and analyzed. As it turned out, this reduced the cost of vegetation management (identification, planning, implementation and reporting) by 30 percent. At the same time, the reliability of the system was increased by 15 percent. In this respect, it seems only logical that LiveEO will now monitor E.DIS's entire network.

"The ability to check our network with satellite imagery and AI, as well as LiveEO's strong customer focus, excited us from the start. Innovative partners like LiveEO and new technologies are an important pillar for us as a network operator to make our network even more efficient and reliable."

Sven Mögling, Project Manager and Innovation Manager E.DIS

E.DIS is considered a traditionally innovation-friendly company. This is demonstrated, among other things, by the fact that the Brandenburg-based company, which is headquartered in Fürstenwalde/Spree, has been focusing on new ideas for some time. Thus, new technologies such as augmented reality and IoT (Internet of Things) as well as drones are also used for the inspection of power lines. To also use the available and appropriately evaluated data from satellites for this is consistent. For LiveEO, the cooperation with one of the largest German network operators is an important milestone.

"To achieve our goal of monitoring all major infrastructure networks by 2025, we need to develop a deep understanding of our customers' industry-specific challenges. The extraordinarily constructive cooperation with E.DIS has helped us greatly to tailor our service even better to the needs of network operators. We look forward to further collaboration."

Daniel Seidel, Co-Founder and CEO LiveEO

LiveEO already awarded in June 2021

© Copernicus data/ESA (2014)

Co-founder Daniel Seidel's team has also been monitoring DB's 33,000 km rail network since 2018. Their goal is to detect risks to rail traffic posed by trees, shrubs and other plants from space. For this, LiveEO was honored with Deutsche Bahn's Supplier Innovation Award 2021 on June 29.

via LiveEO, E.DIS

Header Image Credit: Free Footage
Written by M. Weissflog
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