Dcubed's Space Selfie Stick to go into space with AVS in 2024

Published on Thu, 16.02.2023 – 22:30 CET in R&D, covering DCUBED

The Spanish company Added Value Solutions (AVS) wants to launch its own satellite into space for the first time next year. This is to provide Basque technology centres with satellite data for carrying out their research projects. The Deployable Space Selfie Stick from Dcubed will take over the optical control of the Cubesat.

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The Deployable Space Selfie Stick from Germering-based NewSpace has already flown into space as part of the SpaceX Transporter-3 mission in January 2022. Now AVS has decided to inspect its first own satellite after its arrival in orbit. Cubesats do not offer much room for complex technology. The team around founder Dr Thomas Sinn also developed the Space Selfie Stick under this premise. It only takes up 0.5U, which is just 5 x 10 x 10 cm (0.5 litres). Despite this, it can take pictures from a distance of around 80 centimetres. This is enough distance to show a small cubesat to its full advantage.

LUR-1 is declared as an Earth observation mission. The first satellite to be launched will serve as a technology demonstrator. It will also serve to validate various components and systems developed by AVS and to be commercialised as products. LUR-1 has been developed entirely by AVS and will be assembled at the new AVS facilities in Vitoria. In addition to assembly, AVS is also preparing the Mission Control Centre and the ground antenna for satellite operations.

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Written by M. Weissflog
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