DcubeD selected for NASA AERO-VISTA mission

Published on Tue, 26.10.2021 – 14:04 CEST in Missions, covering DCUBED

The NASA-funded AERO-VISTA mission aims to study Earth's auroras from space. The trigger mechanisms for the antenna alignment system will be supplied by the German NewSpace company DcubeD.

More about the mission

The earth is permanently hit by energetic, electrically charged particles of the solar wind. At the poles, they excite nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the upper layers of the atmosphere and thus produce auroras. In the northern hemisphere they are called "aurora borealis", in the southern hemisphere analogously "aurora australis". Due to the nature of the earth's magnetic field, they can be observed in most cases between the 3rd and 6th latitude, but may also be observed further south (respectively north). While the luminous phenomena are harmless for humans and nature, they can have influence on technology. This is because the charged particles can induce voltages in electrical and electronic devices that impair their functioning. This is especially true for satellites and airplanes flying at high altitudes.

The MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Haystack Observatory now wants to expand our understanding of auroras with the twin mission AERO-VISTA. For this purpose, the two cubesats (small satellites) AERO and VISTA will orbit the Earth in a polar orbit for one year starting in 2022. The actuators responsible for the three-stage triggering mechanism of the vector sensor antennas are supplied by the German company DcubeD. Six nD3PP nano-pin puller trigger mechanisms will be used. For CEO Dr. Thomas Sinn, this is an honor: "We are honored to support this exciting twin CubeSat mission to explore Earth's aurora."

Size comparison of the actuators with Lego figures;
© DcubeD (Deployables Cubed GmbH)

The collaboration between DcubeD and MIT Haystack Observatory is not new.

Wir haben die enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem großartigen Team des MIT Haystack Observatory bereits während der EM-Kampagne genossen und freuen uns nun, dass wir auch für die Flugmodelle ausgewählt wurden.

Dr. Thomas Sinn, CEO DcubeD

Dr. Rebecca Masterson, AERO-VISTA program manager, also compliments the collaboration with DcubeD:

Der Schlüssel zum Erfolg der AERO-VISTA-Mission ist ein anspruchsvoller dreistufiger Einsatz, der auf zwei separaten Raumfahrzeugen zuverlässig funktionieren muss. Wir freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit mit DcubeD, um dies zu ermöglichen. Das technische Fachwissen, die Reaktionsschnelligkeit und die Liebe zum Detail, die das DcubeD-Team bei der Entwicklung und dem Bau unseres technischen Modells gezeigt hat, geben uns großes Vertrauen in die Leistung der Flugaktuatoren. Es war bisher eine Freude, mit ihnen zusammenzuarbeiten, und wir freuen uns darauf, die Flugaktuatoren in unsere CubeSats zu integrieren.

Dr. Rebecca Masterson, AERO-VISTA Program Manager

via DcubeD

Header Image Credit: Free Footage
Written by M. Weissflog
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Tue, 26.10.2021 - 14:41 CEST

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