Vyoma awarded in Weconomy competition

Published on Thu, 16.09.2021 – 13:33 CEST in Awards, covering Vyoma

Vyoma was awarded as one of 10 companies in the Weconomy competition. This year, too, the focus was on companies where at least one woman is part of the founding team.

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Luisa Buinhas had five minutes during the presentation to convince the jury of Vyoma's business idea. To do so, she had satellites and debris fly across the screen and explained why space debris is such a major threat to modern space travel. To ensure order in orbit in the future, the Darmstadt-based company is relying on artificial intelligence. This is intended to help prevent fully automated collisions between satellites and space debris or other satellites. If this were to happen, the Kessler Syndrome could occur - a chain reaction that would result in a cloud of debris forming around the Earth, making space travel virtually impossible for generations, but above all, the failure of thousands of satellites would be tantamount to taking a step back into the 1950s/60s.

Luisa Buinhas, Space Systems Engineer and Co-Founder Vyoma
© Stefan Wieland, Handelsblatt

Buinhas' presentation convinced, Vyoma was awarded as one of 10 companies. The benefit is, on the one hand, access to a dedicated network and, on the other hand, the intensive exchange with top managers from the German economy. These accompany the awarded companies in the long term and are available for sparring. As early as October, they will exchange views and look at their own companies from different perspectives. This will be followed in the spring of 2022 by workshops lasting several days, in which market and business field development, sales and negotiation, and growth strategies will be developed.

Weconomy is a start-up initiative by Wissensfabrik in cooperation with UnternehmerTUM and Handelsblatt. The competition ran in 2007 and was also held in 2021 under the motto "Female Focus". The main aim is to support startups in which at least one woman is a member of the founding team. The aim of Weconomy is to help young companies get off to a successful start in business.

via Handelsblatt, Weconomy

Header Image Credit: Free Footage
Written by M. Weissflog
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