We are Content creators. Animators. Moderators. Editors. Vloggers. Bloggers.
Our community is united by a passion for space technology, space travel and space exploration. We are ambassadors of technological progress, innovative approaches and the will of mankind to embark on a journey to the stars.

Aber wenn wir diesen einen seltsamen Felsen verlassen, finden wir uns nur ein paar hundert Meilen über unseren Köpfen in einer dunklen, einsamen und feindlichen Umgebung wieder. Alle, die wir kennen; jeden, den wir kannten; jeder Mensch, von dem wir vielleicht schon einmal gehört haben, ist „hier unten” geboren und aufgewachsen – auf dieser vergleichsweise kleinen blauen Kugel, die wir “Erde” nennen.

Whether we are lucky enough to go into space or spend our entire lives on Earth, space is the border we all share. In keeping with this principle, the global community has prioritized international peaceful cooperation. Space-faring nations have chosen to explore the universe together and to work together to overcome the limits that are naturally set for us.

In addition to natural borders, man-made, geopolitical boundary lines have been drawn to organize our coexistence. In the UN Charter, we defined aggression as the most serious crime against peace, and thus agreed that these borders must not be aggressively violated.

“Alle Mitglieder unterlassen in ihren internationalen Beziehungen jede gegen die territoriale Unversehrtheit oder die politische Unabhängigkeit eines Staates gerichtete oder sonst mit den Zielen der Vereinten Nationen unvereinbare Androhung oder Anwendung von Gewalt.”

- Charter of the United Nations, Art. 2 (4)

On February 24, 2022, the world has become a different place.

Russia started an unprovoked military aggression against Ukraine. War is raging in Europe for the first time since World War II. Moreover, this aggression also shifts the question of earthly borders into space.

Vladimir Putin is pushing the whole world dangerously close to the abyss. If we fall, there will be no escape for generations. This is a threat we take seriously. Because every picture of the Earth shows us how fragile our home planet is - no matter how inconspicuous or spectacular. As Carl Sagan said, we live on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

Our future does not belong in the hands of a ruthless dictator. Because of Putin's war of aggression, the people of Ukraine suddenly find themselves in a dark, lonely and hostile environment. Down here on earth, through no fault of their own.

We strongly condemn this action and call on Vladimir Putin to stop this madness immediately!

In these dark hours, we are united not only by our passion for space, but also by our thoughts for the people suffering from Russian aggression in Ukraine. We are content creators. Animators. Moderators. Editors. Vloggers. Bloggers. We are advocates for peace.

#teamSpace #StandWithUkraine







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Header Image Credit: Free Footage
Written by M. Weissflog
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