Our Mission:

To create visibility, interest and enthusiasm for modern spaceflight.

How do we do that?

By informing, inspiring and motivating. With updates from NewSpace, relevant background information and exclusive insights into the industry. As content creators, job scouts and workshop professionals. We impart knowledge. Digitally, hybrid, on site.

Astrodrom at IdeenExpo 2022

July 2 - 10, 2022, Hanover
Hall 9 (Faszination:Weltraum), Booth 5

Our exhibitor profile (german)

A total of 30+ inspiring workshops
at Astrodrom's booth.

Workshop 1

Beyond Horizon - Cosmic Messages

The sun is our home star - but only one of about 70 quadrillion in the entire observable universe. But if there are 70 thousand million million million stars, there should be life out there somewhere. However, we haven't found any yet. And whether we have been discovered by other intelligent beings, we do not know. But there are still mysterious signals that could possibly come from aliens. In our workshop, we will take a closer look at supposed messages. In addition, we will slip into the role of "the others" and try to find out whether they can understand the messages we send at all. By the way, we will also discuss what we would talk about with aliens.

Workshop 2

Space Fiction - Space Flight in 2222

Permanently inhabited space stations, rockets taking off and landing again, or helicopters on foreign planets - what sounded like pure science fiction just a few years ago is now reality. This shows that dreams in space travel can apparently never be big enough. That's why in this workshop we'll venture a look 200 years into the future. Will there be space elevators, Dyson spheres or cities on other celestial bodies in 2222? Honestly, we don't know. But there are already many breathtaking concepts to talk about today. And, who knows: Maybe one of the participants in our challenge has that one very special idea that will really kick-start the future of space travel?!

Workshop 3

Earth Observation - Focus on Earth

More than 150 satellites are used for Earth observation. Because from orbit, the Earth can be mapped down to the last corner, the weather can be observed and more sustainability on Earth can be ensured. Since climate change affects all of us, this workshop will be focusing on topics such as monitoring the vegetation of infrastructures, measuring soil moisture and detecting forest fires at an early stage. Thanks to innovative technologies, all of this can already be done reliably from space. In this workshop, we will show how this works. With a challenge in which the participants can evaluate and interpret data themselves.

Workshop 4

Space Debris - Junkyard Orbit?

The era of space exploration began with the launch of Sputnik 1 on October 4, 1957. Since then, more than 6,000 rockets have been successfully launched into space. The downside: for a long time, no one thought about cleaning up the mess. Today, objects with a total mass of more than 9,800 t are floating in Earth orbit. This poses a threat not only to the ISS or satellites, but to space travel as a whole. And because sustainability is also important in space, we will be addressing the topic of space debris in this workshop. We'll show participants how to recognize, avoid and even recycle it with a challenge whose main goal is to keep things organized in orbit.

50+ hrs

scheduled Astrodrom livestreams from the IdeenExpo

4+ interactive exhibits
at Astrodrom's booth.

Exhibit 1 - Your path to a space job

Working in NewSpace

Among the approximately 8 billion people living on Earth, fewer than 1,000 have been in space. So you might think that it's almost impossible to get a job in the space industry. But far from it: because specialists are desperately needed everywhere! Sounds good? Then let's get started: In just a few minutes, we'll tell our visitors exactly which jobs suit them and where they can learn them. And if they like, we'll also tell them which companies are best suited for their application.

Exhibit 2 - How forces move masses

Gravity in Relation

Im Physikunterricht lernen wir, dass Masse und Gewicht zwar zusammenhängen, aber nicht dasselbe sind. Was das für den menschlichen Körper und die Raumfahrttechnik heißt, können Besucher:innen mit unseren “Graviationswaagen” hautnah erleben.

Exhibit 3 - Foldable structures in space technology

Origami in Orbit

Das James Webb Space Telescope ist so groß, dass man es zum Transport mit der Ariane 5 “zusammenfalten” musste. Auf der anderen Seite werden Satelliten zwar immer kleiner, doch mit Energie versorgt werden müssen sie trotzdem. Aber wie bekommt man ausreichend große Solarpanele bei extrem begrenztem Platz in den Orbit? Die Antwort: Mit Origami, der japanischen Faltkunst. Eigentlich für Papier gedacht, eignet sie sich auch für Anwendungen in der Raumfahrt. Bei uns können Besucher:innen ausprobieren, wie man auf der Erde falten muss, damit das Entfalten im Orbit automatisch und zuverlässig funktioniert.

Exhibit 4 - Gamification in space industry

Space Simulator

Whether "No Man's Sky," "Kerbal Space Program" or "Outer Wilds" - there are numerous computer games that have a clear reference to space flight. But bits and bytes are not only used to create exciting games, but also tricky simulations. Many of them are even indispensable for testing on Earth what has to work smoothly in space. We present some simulations to visitors, which they can also try out directly.

Our booth
at the IdeenExpo 2022

The NewSpace Showcase

Note: Visualization and rendering of the booth is for illustrative purposes only. Graphics, exhibits and designs are subject to change.

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Full story
Header Image Credit: Astrodrom, Daniel Nötzold
Written by M. Weissflog
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